Friday, June 22, 2007

There's no home for you here

I'm very confused by the people who are touting the new White Stripes album as the best thing they've ever done while totally throwing the last album to the side. I think 'Get Behind Me Satan' was excellent. Jack White finally accepted the notion of putting down the guitar and fuzz box for a minute and writing songs with other instruments. I think it's great. But everyone else seems to be so excited that he's taken a step backward and gone back to the safety of the sound he's been treading and retreading since they formed. Remember when 'Elephant' came out and there were all those songs that were basically just rewrites of older White Stripes songs? That's what happens when you confine yourself to a box for too long, you just redo what you've already done.

I guess everyone can look forward to the next album with it's newly rewritten versions of "I'm Slowly Turning into You" and "Little Cream Soda" then.

Although, I do think I'm the only person in the world that thinks "There's No Home for You Here" is better than "Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground".

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